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A Whisper Branch, Poems by Judith Alexander Brice
The elegant lyric poems of Judith Alexander Brice’s A Whisper Branch seek out and intuit what is barely seen in the world, glimpsed, heard, a shimmer, a whisper.
Sample Poems by Judith Alexander Brice
“Sometimes, in our present lives, we feel like refugees fleeing from a past we never are truly able to escape. With a vocabulary of tastes and smells, Judith Brice, in her new collection, A Whisper Branch, creates the perfect mélange. Poem after poem testifies to a life of endurance, where the stillness of pain is balanced by love. Whether about nature, family or illness, these elegies search for absolution and understanding, they praise and give thanks for those quiet moments, that ‘intricacy of calm’ amid the storms that are constantly raging.”—Jason Irwin, author of The History of Our Vagrancies
“In A Whisper Branch, Judith Alexander Brice takes a long and wide view of a life lived in a complex, imperfect, yet beautiful world. With vivid sensory language and in a variety of poetic forms, Brice explores childhood, family relationships, aging, joy, grief, and love in a landscape filled with piccatta and garlic, orioles and finches, starched sheets, and Vermeer paintings. A deep violin timbre swells through these poems of musicality and insight. ‘My eyes have grayed now,’ Brice writes, yet her seeing gives us an intricate wisdom, allowing us to praise, as she does, ‘the creak of the dying tree, / the chirp of evening frog.’”—Jen Ashburn, author of The Light on the Wall
Judith Alexander Brice is a retired Pittsburgh psychiatrist whose love of nature and acquaintance with illness inform much of her work. She has had over 80 poems published in journals and anthologies, including The Golden Streetcar, Voxpopulisphere.com, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Magnolia Review.com, The Piker Press and Annals of Internal Medicine. On two occasions, Judy received awards in The Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize, sponsored by The Paterson Literary Review. She is the author of several books and chapbooks, including Overhead from Longing and Imbibe the Air.
ISBN: 978-1625494771, 84 pages
Also by Judith Alexander Brice: